Freedom from the Block

Whenever I had something to say, I found that it was easier to write than speak? However, when it appeared that I would be getting close to laying those thoughts to paper the format just isn’t there.

Well, this has happened to me twice but not for this length of time. Many years ago, I created a blog called ‘”A Day in the Life” to write about my truth and what I was feeling. My blog grew quite successful, and I gandered quite a following which completely overwhelmed me and I was taken aback by the response but I was able to find the topics that were significant to me and I continued to publish many posts for quite a few years.

But, a year ago I stopped writing. I realized that I had not even attempted to write on my blog. I just gave up on writing altogether. Presently, I needed to investigate my reasons of why I was giving up on something that had so much meaning that in actuality has saved my life many times within the course of my lifetime. Why was I giving up my friend?

My love for writing started in my youth, when I was facing some terrifying moments in my house of horrors, the atrocities that I faced in the course of the day was scary! My closet became my safe haven. I would spend hours in my closet. I would create scenarios in my head of how I could escape my truth. I would find myself feverishly writing out a storyline of how I could become the next Harry Houdini and format my escape route from the abuse that was occurring inside my home.

I would spend hours reading anything that I could get my hands on especially the classics because for the length of the book I happen to be reading at the time I was living someone else’s life.

With writing whether I was troubled or sad I found myself composing another story. I continued to do this up until a year ago.

I started to think about what changed for me and I came to the conclusion that I just needed to take a break. I needed to find a reason to keep me writing in the future. I had always used writing to recount tragedy in

my life and it became my flight or fright tool.

I now want to write about optimistic and confident things that transpiring within my life. So I now have a renewed sense of direction.

However, I will still always write about the Good, Bad and very Ugly because that is also who I am.

Stay tuned for more to come!